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CoinList打新最全小白教程 - 知乎

CoinList打新最全小白教程 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册CoinList打新最全小白教程Donney1.Coinlist代币众筹平台CoinList 是早期采用者投资和交易最佳数字资产的地方。虽然大多数人对CoinList已经有所了解,但是今天我还是唠叨一下以给刚接触的人有更深入的了解。Coinlist是一个合法合规代币融资平台,大部分的项目不支持美国、中国、加拿大人参与(所以也导致这个圈子还不是很大),平台会对希望通过其平台融资的项目进行完备的尽职调查,内容涵盖团队、产品、市场、交易条件、法律结构和代币经济学等范畴。然而CoinList投资币种之所以表现能这么好,离不开的是CoinList非常严苛的审核制度,CoinList高管团队除了 CEO Andy Bromberg,其他几位联合创始人、顾问,包括 CTO、COO 和产品总监均来自 AngelList,而AngelList是全美知名的融资平台。Coinlist创立以来,收到超过3000个项目融资信息,但最终能通过这个平台融资的项目只有十来个,平均一个月只能上线1-2个项目,经过严选后的项目让投资者没有太多的担心和顾虑,每个项目都是非常优质的。如下是以前项目收益总览:Coinlist募集过哪些项目?能给我们带来哪些收益?比如之前火热的Flow,2020年9月的项目,起初是0.1美金,曾经涨到了28美金,假如你当时投入1000美金入手了10000个Flow,按当时价格交易你将得到280000美金!(就算是现在也有5000多倍的收益)还有2020年3月的项目Solana,初始价0.22美金,到曾经的173.79美金。2020年八月份的Near最初是0.29美金,今天是14.93美金。说了这么多,接下来我们应该关注项目什么信息呢?比如今年年尾的项目Agoric这是项目的几个重要信息我给大家整理一下:销售于 UTC 时间 12 月 29 日 18:00 开始,包括两个公开销售选项:选项1:日期:12 月 29 日 18:00 UTC价格:每个代币 0.80 美元资产:BLD 代币(Cosmos)最低/最高:最低 100 美元,最高 1000 美元锁定:代币在 2022 年 6 月 29 日或前后的销售日期后 6 个月解锁,然后是 12 个月的线性释放。供应:45M选项 2:日期:12 月 29 日 23:00 UTC价格:每个代币 0.65 美元资产:BLD 代币(Cosmos)最低/最高:最低 100 美元,最高 1000 美元锁定:代币在 2022 年 11 月 1 日或前后解锁,然后是 12 个月的线性发布。供应:25MAgoric 销售的注册截止日期为 UTC 时间 12 月 26 日 23:59。认购方式BTC,ETH,USDC,USDT如果您使用USDC或USDT为帐户充值并购买代币,则无需付费(重要说明:无论USDT和USDC的波动如何,我们都会将USDT和USDC的价值等同于一美元)。如果您用ETH或BTC进行资金充值并进行购买,则在购买时将其转换为USDC,并将收取0.50%的交易费。符合条件的参加者不适用于美国,中国,加拿大,瑞士,韩国,英属维尔京群岛等公民。2.coinlist打新准备条件:(1)海外云服务器,如香港,新加波(2)批量coinlist打新账户(海外通过KYC人脸识别的账户)(3)准备任意邮箱(数量与打新账号成正比)(4)下载Google浏览器(5)手机安装谷歌验证器——AuthenticatorCoinList打新是有中签率的,之前几个项目的中签率大概在10%,所以要准备多个账号,单个账号去参加是没有意义的。登录平台进入打新官网:https://coinlist.co/ 点击Log in输入已经准备好的邮箱并创建新用户。点击之后会跳转页面,显示需要谷歌代码验证。在谷歌验证器界面按“+”添加:依次输入原始邮箱账号和网页给出的密钥确认之后把下面生成新的验证码输入刚才登录界面即可登录。现在注册门槛越来越高,国内用护照注册已经不能认证,需要国外账号。后面有时间会写一遍打新需要注意的地方,例如,买账号的坑等。如果觉得有用记得点赞评论加关注!分享我在coinlist上的经验和所踩过的坑,助你上路!发布于 2021-12-30 17:59平台打新coinlist​赞同 15​​20 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请

CoinList操作教程介绍注册中签流程 打新教程指南 第一部分:Coinlist是干什么的10 月 26 日,CoinList 宣布以 15 亿美元估值完成 1 亿美元融资,... - 雪球

List操作教程介绍注册中签流程 打新教程指南 第一部分:Coinlist是干什么的10 月 26 日,CoinList 宣布以 15 亿美元估值完成 1 亿美元融资,... - 雪球首页行情行情中心筛选器新股上市买什么交易A股交易基金交易私募中心下载App扫一扫,下载登录/注册admin12352()发布于2021-11-28 12:38来自雪球关注CoinList操作教程介绍注册中签流程 打新教程指南来源:雪球App,作者: admin12352,(https://xueqiu.com/5081494593/204356946)第一部分:Coinlist是干什么的10 月 26 日,CoinList 宣布以 15 亿美元估值完成 1 亿美元融资,本轮融资由 Accomplice 和 Agman 共同领投,Access Ventures、Alphemy Capital、Broadhaven Ventures、Continue Capital、CMT Digital、DFG、FBG Capital、Fenbushi Capital、Hack VC、HashKey Capital、Jsquare、LD Capital、Metaplanet、Perpetual Value Partners、Rising Tide Fund 以及 Taavet+Sten 等参投。本轮融资资金将用于扩展、优化 CoinList 的服务和运营,并推出 CoinList Karma 和 CoinList Governance 等新产品,继续寻找加密领域的优质新项目。Coinlist是什么呢? CoinList 是一个合法合规代币融资平台(不支持美国,中国,加拿大),上面几乎主流的虚拟币种他都可以交易和融资。 CoinList (C网)由协议实验室 Protocol Labs、AngelList 共同建立的,利用未来代币的简单协议 SAFT 合规新型证券,且该证券已经完成构建以符合现有的证券法规。国内有很多介绍Coinlist的文章,但是有的是山寨网址,请大家务必记住coinlist.co 是唯一网址,重要的事情说三遍,coinlist.co (没有m)。好多人看到这里直接就去注册了,实际上没那么简单,建议大家最好看完后,系统的了解,知其然,还要知其所以然。要不然贸然操作,注册都注册不了。你肯定很奇怪,为什么这么多人都来Coinlist打新呢?CoinList 创立三年以来, 收到超过 3000 个项目的融资信息,但最终能通过这个平台融资的项目,只有十几个项目,平均两个半月才会上线 1 个项目。虽然数量不多,但至少投资者们不用担心监管问题。第二部分:注册完成的全过程一 . 注册 Coinlist 账户网站: 网页链接 (使用梯子 vpn),进入页面后进行注册。点击“Create account”创立新账户。CoinList  中国护照申请 KYC 流程Last Name 指的是你的姓,而 First Name 指的是你的名。Email Address:电子邮件地址;Password 密码:最少十位数;Repeat password:再次输入密码;CoinList  中国护照申请 KYC 流程二:注册成功后,需要登录您注册的邮箱进行确认,会发送确认邮寄到你的邮箱进行认证, 打开邮箱内发来的验证邮件,点击“Verify your email”进入首页即验证成功。三:注册成功后,需要使用该账号进行认购等功能需要完成实名认证 KYC 。点击左侧的“Wallet”会提示需要身份验证,点击“Verify”即可进入身份验证界面。选择个人,姓名信息可以直接写拼音 (注意一定要写英文!)CoinList  中国护照申请 KYC 流程Coinlist 是不允许中国居住的人注册的,但是中国国籍是可以的,只要你声明居住海外就可以,因此我们在这一步不可以选择 China,一定要选择其他不受限制的国家(比如:日本、新加坡、香港等)并且要准备好一个海外的居住地地址和当地的邮编。CoinList  中国护照申请 KYC 流程点击「Save & Continue」保存后继续下一步:这里需要用英文或者填写国家的语言来进行填写地址等信息,手机号码可以使用中国号 码。填写好信息后开始进行视频认证,点击“Start”开始视频验证。选择“China”中国,选择第一个护照选项,不能使用驾照或者身份证。拍照上传护照的身份信息页,再进入人脸识别,验证就完成了。手机端验证完成后,电脑端会自动跳转,进入如下界面:随便填写一个职业就行,提交后进入谷歌双重验证。之前有绑定过谷歌验证的,直接扫码二维码就能生成谷歌,然后输入验证码进行验证即可。 注意,谷歌验证一定要保存好,每次登录都需要填写谷歌验证。验证完成后,提示身份验证需要 1-5 天,等待消息即可关于 Coinlist 认证需要提供居住证明等,前期如果您选择的是香港或者其他地方,可以找当地的发票收据等进行证明,以香港为例,居住证明文件的形式可以多样,是合规机构颁发的就可以,最好有盖章。提交居住证明文件重点是要突显你的姓名和居住地址信息,例如水电费单据、煤气费单据、税务发票、信用卡账单、网费缴费单据等都是有效的证明文件。居住证明文件一般需要拍照或扫描,发给翻译公司翻译并在翻译件上盖章。(可以找类似图进行 ps 把自己的名字 P 上去具备真实性)第三部分:中签的代币交易和提币,如何获得空投coinlist中签的账号,有两种变现方式,一种是直接场外交易,一种是等币解锁到账后在交易所进行交易。本文重点讲在交易所的交易。中签代币解锁后,不需要我们做操作,会自动下发到coinlist的钱包账户。币发了后,我们可以有两种方式去进行出售。一种是提现到其他交易所,比如ok、火币、coinbase等;一种则是在coinlist本平台内进行交易。1、提现到其他交易所(或自己单独的钱包地址)这个非常简单,直接在coinlist的钱包里提币即可。注意,coinlist提币和充值只默认支持erc-20网络,不要选错。菜单项——"Wallet"钱包——“Withdraw”提现。2、在coinlist本平台内交易国外的交易平台都有个缺点就是,UI交互对国人并不友好,也就是说,很多人经常看不懂,或者不能一眼就找到按钮。所以我会先给大家讲清楚操作思路和逻辑。其实就跟我们平常在ok和火币上交易是一样的,coinlist有个自己的交易平台,叫coinlist pro。我们需要把coinlist钱包的币先划转到pro,在pro上交易完后,再划转回coinlist的钱包。这就像我们在ok或火币在资金账户、交易账户或者合约账户之间划转一样。理清楚这个逻辑,以下的操作你就懂了。这里也有两种交易方式,我们称之为快速方式和经典方式。【快速方式】在左侧 Buy/Sell直接兑换即可。【经典方式】有的币刚到时,快速模式并不一定提供了快速交易方式,所以还是需要通过经典方式来交易。1)首先,先把coinlist钱包的币划转到pro。2)然后点左侧Pro Trading,进入交易平台3)点log in自动登录,将账户之间信息打通。4)点顶部搜索,找到要交易的交易对。点SELL出售即可。5)卖完后,再将卖完的U提回划转到coinlist钱包。然后。就大功告成了。当然,对于大部分人来说,Coinlist的操作门槛还是很高,难度系数大。对此,Coinlist有个最简单的薅羊毛,分糖果,得空投的简单易行的办法。图片最后的一张,就是“Coinlist Rewards”那张。英语好的大概知道Rewards是什么意思,获得,得到,奖励的意思。Air drop and get candy,空投和得到糖果,send coin to: (转币到:)这里注意只支持ERC-20系列币种。一般转ETH,如果是coinmarketcap或非小号拍卖前50的ERC-20币种都可以。这句话的意思是转币到0x3D313e815DFC1a771591c3f9D675E23151319484 。Smart contract will make a order to buy initial coin offering将会触发智能合约,这样就可以领取相应价值的空投和糖果。(也可以理解为等值的SWAP)。如果不知道SWAP什么意思,请自行百度查找,不再赘述。最重要的是,这里可能还会有空投,Coinlist也专门有一个空投的界面(就是“Coinlist Rewards”那张)。而且也确实已经有过一次大空投,那就是DFINITY总共高达3500万瑞士法郎的空投,不少人可能凭此空投领成了土豪!老韭菜应该知道的一个“币圈老哪吒”项目-dfinity,他家之前的空投就是通过coinlist投放,之前差不多每个号可领到至少128枚ICP代币,按今天的期货价差不多快1700块钱一个(貌似快要有上线消息了),这个也是需要认证coinlist之后才能提取。第四部分:为什么要是慎重买账户Coinlist水很深的,不管前面说的多好。到这里都劝大家,水很深的。下面是摘选自网络的内容:目前的coinlist参与公募,大陆和美国等地区不能参与(官网有详细的说明),那么注册账号, 只能通过VPN和位置设置其他地区的方式和IP,身份证还是国内的居民身份证 , 只是注册IP和注册地更改其他地方。(IP通过下载VPN更改电脑网络IP或者购买香港服务器) 也有老哥。在可参与的国家地区,通过地推的方式,收号,方式多种多样。 买号风险 我自己注册了几个,后面觉得号不够。在网上找了一些卖号的人,价格不一样,我在淘宝也问了几个商家,号的价位在400-600,因为感觉价格太高,没买。之后了解了一些其他渠道的供应商,一个号200块钱,对于号的成本,我还是接受的起。我买了不少号。 我忽略了一个风险(会封号的风险),号的质量。太多的不同IP和设备登陆号,或者注册地是在大陆,封号的可能性非常大。我买了很大号,后期结果发现,4/3的号被封。4个号,只一个号能用,损失非常严重。 对参与的规则不明确。导致排队中签忙不过来 虽然号封了不少,但是还剩下不少的号,我在参与的过程中,竟然发现一个人忙不过来,登陆时的Google验证,排队时的各种人类机器吗图片选择。特别麻烦。在中签的开始时,你需要各种认证。这将耗费大量时间。不知道哪些几百个账号的老哥是怎么处理这些事情的。这个真心好奇 一台电脑登陆的账号有限 如果一个电脑,有多个浏览器。那一个浏览器可以登陆一个账号。只要不同浏览器下载多一点,登陆的账号就多。我听币人说。如果这样子操作会封号。 也有人通过指纹浏览器,一个窗口登陆一个账号。虽然一个电脑可以登陆大量账号但都是同一个IP导致封号的风险很大 买虚拟机是大部分老哥,会考虑做的事情。一个简单的配置服务器,可以登陆一个账号。我去查了价格,一个云服务器20-40块钱不等。如果有100个账号。对应买100个虚拟机登陆。账号多,买的虚拟机也多。一个虚拟机一个账号。这样封号的风险大大减低 5.因为中间商赚差价,我赔了4000块钱。这时如果要参与。需要向别人购买账号。当时号的价格直被炒到了600-800块钱,因为我手里还有不少可用账号。想着操作不过来,想卖掉一些。刚好群里面的一个老哥想收购,一个400块钱。我卖了几个账号给他。赚了一笔,之后那老哥还想再收购一些 当时脑子灵光一现,发现商机, 要不做个中间商赚差价。从别人手中收购低价账号,卖给别人赚差价。 有个老哥想买一批账号,一个200卖我。。我倒卖能赚一倍。我被这样的利润冲昏头脑 事实没我想的简单,给大家截几张被骗经过。(买号,号没收到,被骗)

Coinlist是一种什么样的存在? - 知乎

Coinlist是一种什么样的存在? - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册Coinlist是一种什么样的存在?破壳超算破壳超算带你解读大热平台Coinlist​​Coinlist被广为人知的是,它是一个合规代币融资平台,由协议实验室Protocol Labs、AngelList共同建立,利用未来代币的简单协议SAFT合规新型证券,且该证券已经完成构建以符合现有的证券法规。Coinlist获得了多家知名区块链风投基金的投资,包括Polychain Capital,Digital Currency Group,FBG Capital, Blockchain Capital,CoinFund等,以及Twitter创始人Jack Dorsey也参与了投资。目前傳統市場上的募資平台服务种类大概是提供产品服务,教育课程,慈善捐助等;而在币圈, Coinlist 做的事情,就是协助区块公司发行的代币在上交易所前,为投资者提供参与项目早期投资的机会。1、CoinList 是什么? 对项目方而言,Coinlist能提供的服务包括:将即将发售的新项目在平台上公开展示,以便投资人决定是否参与;为项目方提供合规、尽职调查、KYC等服务,以便项目方判断投资人是否是合格投资人;提供数据和分析工具,便于项目方了解销售情况;销售完成后的代币分配(打币),这一点我在介绍我们的交易和钱包功能时还会详细介绍。总而言之,我们就是为项目方提供一些后勤服务,以便让项目能更专注技术和构建社区。Coinlist在挑选合作项目时非常严格。在过去2年半的时间里,一共有3000多个项目联系我们,但最终合作的只有12个。换言之,在决定与谁合作时,是经过深思熟虑的,并且对项目方进行审查,之后才会公布。2、为什么会重视Coinlist首先,很多重量级项目是在Coinlist独家完成ICO的,包括Filecoin、DFINITY、Algorand、Nervos等等,也就是如果你要参与这些项目的公售,只有Coinlist一个渠道。近期大热的Flow就是在Coinlist进行售卖的。其次,Coinlist有自己的交易平台,售卖的项目会第一时间开放交易,或许存在套利机会。比如,近期热门的Filcoin主网代币就会第一时间上线Coinlist交易所,如果价格合适,可以赶在上线币安、火币、Coinbase等主流交易所之前介入。最重要的是,这里可能还会有空投,Coinlist也专门有一个空投的界面。而且也确实已经有过一次大空投,那就是DFINITY总共高达3500万瑞士法郎的空投,不少人可能凭此空投领成了土豪!3、Coinlist成功的原因合法合規:比起其他区块链公司在台面下自行募资的话,透过Coinlist认识的項目,可以說是对于参与投资者多了一层保障,不会有那些代投跑路、不发币的状況。独家发售 ICO:在过去,已经有许多大型的区块链公司独家在 Coinlist开启代币募资 ,像是 Filecoin、Dfinity;也就是說如果想要参加这些項目的早期投资,你只能透过Coinlist,无法在其他地方参与。拥有自己的交易平台:Coinlist 除了能协助做代币募資外,目前也开放了自己的专业版交易所 Coinlist Pro,专为在该平台做募資的区块链項目服务,也会在第一时间开放上线交易。与机构关系密切良好:Coinlist Pro 托管和质押系统皆由 Anchorage, Bison Trails, Bitgo 和 Gemini Custody 等知名机构所支持。而 CoinList Pro的市场由两家大型加密貨币做市商支持,其中之一是GSR,其团队來自高盛,Two Sigma和Citadel,而另一家則未透露姓名,但据說是美国最大的加密货币做市商。早期投資机会:对加入虚拟货币世界的朋友來說,赚钱的方式不外乎就是透過一、二級市場來操作。二级市場如果沒有靠消息、或懂得技术分析的話,一般靠自己的「骚操作」的話,最后都是沦为在市場上捐钱的韭菜;而一級市場就通常也只限定给机构、创投、资本方参与,而 Coinlist 就提供了一个让散戶也能参与早期投資的好地方。发布于 2021-06-08 18:23首次代币发行(ICO)区块链(Blockchain)交易所​赞同 14​​19 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请







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Introducing the CoinList mobile app


Sep 24, 2020

Crypto assets trade 24/7, and opportunities present themselves at all hours of the day. Since the launch of our trading business, few features have been more requested by our users than mobile trading. That is why we’re excited to introduce the CoinList mobile app, designed to provide CoinList users with the necessary tools to trade the best crypto assets and capitalize on market opportunities, whenever and wherever they want. Available on iOS and Android, the CoinList mobile app offers an intuitive user experience and feature set that allows users to quickly and securely make crypto transactions faster than ever before. With the CoinList app, you can:Buy and sell bitcoin, ether, and other leading cryptocurrencies with U.S. dollars or stablecoinsSecurely store, deposit and send your crypto using our best-in-class custody partnersEarn staking rewards with proof-of-stake assets like Celo (5.4% APY) and Algorand (5.18%)Convert your bitcoin into wrapped bitcoin and start participating in DeFiComing soon: new assets like FilecoinDownload the CoinList app today and enjoy zero-fee trading on mobile until October 15th! Download on iOS » ‎CoinListDownload the CoinList app and start securely trading crypto in minutes. With the CoinList app, you can:- Buy and sell bitcoin, ether, and other leading cryptocurrencies with U.S. dollars or stablecoins- Securely store, deposit and send your crypto using our best-in-class custody partners with no …App StoreCoinListDownload on Android » CoinList - Apps on Google PlayDownload the CoinList app and start securely trading crypto in minutes. With the CoinList app, you can:- Buy and sell bitcoin, ether, and other leading cryptocurrencies with U.S. dollars or stablecoins- Securely store, deposit and send your crypto using our best-in-class custody partners with no …Apps on Google PlayCoinList Markets LLCLegal NoticeThis blog post is being distributed by Amalgamated Token Services Inc., dba “CoinList,” or one of its subsidiaries. This blog post and use of the CoinList website is subject to certain disclosures, restrictions and risks, available here.


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CoinList 2021: Year in Review

CoinList 2021: Year in Review





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CoinList 2021: Year in Review


Dec 31, 2021

2021 has been crypto's biggest year ever. Bitcoin and Ethereum hit new all-time highs, NFTs have taken off, and we’ve seen more innovation, competition, capital infusion, and institutional buy-in from major companies than ever before. For CoinList, 2021 has been nothing short of a breakthrough year. We helped dozens of the world’s best crypto projects get more high-value users; increased our user base by 42x globally; successfully expanded into trading, staking, and lending; tripled the size of our team; and raised $100M that sets us up for further success. Most importantly, we accelerated the pace at which we find the best new projects in crypto and help them and their communities succeed.Just as it’s important to look ahead and set ambitious, measurable goals each year, it’s important to look back and reflect on all that we’ve accomplished over the course of that time to help drive crypto forward. Here’s a look back at some of what we accomplished in 2021: 1. We grew our community by 42xCrypto adoption is taking off all around the world, and our community of early adopters truly reflects that. We’ve increased our KYC-approved user base 42x globally, with users in more than 170 countries. On a more country-specific level, we saw 73x growth in India, 67x growth in Russia, 52x growth in Turkey, 49x growth in Japan, 38x growth in Brazil, and 32x in Germany. Our users include validators, miners, founders, CEOs, crypto funds, bitcoin OGs, as well as a broad array of crypto enthusiasts that are passionate about moving crypto forward. 2. We advanced the best projects in cryptoToken Sales: We’ve seen a dramatic increase in the quality and quantity of new protocols, applications, and networks in 2021. CoinList token sales have added more than 500,000 new token holders and community members to top crypto projects like Mina, Casper, Immutable X, and Agoric this year alone. CoinList Karma: As a way to further accelerate the growth of token projects, we launched CoinList Karma. Karma is a point system that recognizes a user’s contribution to token networks on CoinList through value-add activities. The greater a user’s contribution to token networks on CoinList, the more Karma they earn. Karma drives some of our best users into token communities through our Priority Queue for token sales.Governance: In the same vein of growing token networks and their communities, we launched our Governance product to encourage users to vote and contribute to network decisions. Our first pilot for governance saw a 60%+ voter participation rate, compared to the industry average of ~1%.Solana: One of the most rewarding moments of 2021 was when we listed Solana on our exchange after running their auction in 2020. While Solana has experienced many successes recently, Solana Labs CEO Anatoly acknowledged our long term commitment to them — the same commitment we have to all projects we work with:3. We launched new value-added services for our usersWe expanded our platform to support the full crypto lifecycle, from token sales through token distribution, trading, staking, governance, and lending. This has made CoinList a one-stop shop for anyone excited about accessing new tokens upstream of the mainstream crypto platforms. While these are relatively immature services for us, they have grown rapidly in 2021:Staking: Assets staked on CoinList surpassed $3 billion in 2021. Users of CoinList's staking services have received over $130 million in staking rewards and eligible users can now stake new assets like FLOW, CSPR, NU, and MINA.Lending: We originated over $400 million in loans across multiple assets for ecosystem partners in our first year of running this business.Trading: Monthly trading volume has increased to $1 billion in 2021, the number of average monthly traders increased 8x, and we went from offering 4 trading pairs to 70 on CoinList Pro. We’ve also launched the most active liquidity pools for Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC), Wrapped Filecoin (EFIL), and Wrapped Centrifuge (WCFG).4. We incubated early stage crypto startupsWe introduced CoinList Seed in 2020 as a platform for early-stage crypto entrepreneurs to connect with the global investment community. In 2021, we hosted over 50 startups in the program, including companies like Injective Protocol, Acala, Clover Finance, and Rabbithole. Participating startups have gone on to raise from top investment funds including Electric Capital, Pantera Capital, Multicoin, and Placeholder Ventures. See our latest batch of Seed companies here. 5. We raised our Series AWe raised $100M from a set of world-class investors and active users in the regions where we are growing fastest - Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. The Series A funding adds fuel to the last 12 months of global user and revenue growth, and will be used to scale our services and operations, better support our global community of early adopters, and launch new products that boost protocol participation. 6. We continued our commitment to regulatory reformOne moment we’re particularly proud of was supporting U.S. Representative Patrick McHenry’s office on the Clarity of Digital Tokens Act which takes up the work of SEC Commissioner Peirce in proposing the creation of a "token safe harbor". The safe harbor would give new token issuers a three-year window in which to run their token sale and demonstrate the decentralized nature of their network. The bill is a great balance: it gives issuers the opportunity to innovate while also creating a disclosure framework to help protect investors. While the vast majority of our business activity is from outside the U.S., we're obviously excited at the prospect of what this bill can do for crypto projects and for job creation in the U.S. Unlike other crypto platforms, we’re not here to build a bank or a brokerage. We’re building the platform for people who are passionate about moving crypto forward. We’re on the right path, and doing the right work to drive the advancement of blockchain technology. We wish everyone a fantastic holiday season and look forward to doing it all again in 2022. If our mission excites you, check out our open roles here » Legal noticeThis blog post is being distributed by Amalgamated Token Services Inc., dba “CoinList,” or one of its subsidiaries. This blog post and use of the CoinList website is subject to certain disclosures, restrictions and risks, available here.


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This blog is maintained by Amalgamated Token Services Inc., dba “CoinList.” This blog and use of the CoinList website is subject to certain disclosures,

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CoinList 2023: Year in Review

CoinList 2023: Year in Review





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WLD, ONDO, and ZETA Now Trading on CoinList

2 days ago

A Deep Dive into Masa

8 days ago

How to Structure Your Incentivized Testnet

10 days ago

Announcing the Masa Community Sale on CoinList

16 days ago





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CoinList 2023: Year in Review


Dec 21, 2023

This year has been a true test for crypto. In 2022, the industry faced macroeconomic challenges, scandals, criminal trials, enforcement actions, and a handful of notable collapses and bankruptcies. In 2023, the crypto world started to shed its troubled history and geared up for an anticipated bull run ahead. For CoinList, 2023 has been a strong year despite numerous headwinds. We added over 600,000 new users, ran 5 community sales, helped 12 top crypto projects onboard thousands of early adopters, launched 3 new products for both builders and adopters, and greatly advanced our offshore infrastructure to offer more compelling products worldwide. Here’s a closer look at some of what we accomplished in 2023:1. We added over 600,000 early adopters to our communityWe’ve increased our user base by more than 600,000 globally. Users stemmed from over 170 countries, with strongest growth in Europe and Asia. Our users include validators, miners, traders, founders, accredited investors, crypto funds, bitcoin OGs, as well as a broad array of crypto early adopters that are passionate about moving crypto forward.2. We ran 5 community sales, selling over $20M worth of tokens CoinList ran community sales for 5 projects this year: Cyberconnect, Neon, Archway, Chainflip, and bitsCrunch. Over 1.5 million users registered for these sales, purchasing over $20 million in tokens across the five sales. Most recently, the bitsCrunch sale set a new record by selling out in 24 minutes — the fastest sale in CoinList history.3. We connected builders with more than 100,000 high quality early adopters At CoinList, our mission is clear and unwavering: to empower builders at any stage in their journey, and connect them with high quality early adopters. We’re proud to share that between the 5 community sales and 8 incentivized testnet & rewards campaigns we ran, we’ve added more than 100,000 new early adopters to top crypto projects including Cyberconnect, Neon, Archway, Chainflip, bitsCrunch, ZetaChain, Bondex, Powerloom, Subsquid, TeleportDAO, Magic Square, and Karate Combat.4. We launched 3 new products: Testnets, cForm, Staking Fund Incentivized Testnets & User Acquisition Campaigns: Through our new testnet offering, we provide builders with access to top validators, developers, and early adopters with a track record of contributing to top protocols like Solana, Filecoin, Sui, Celo, and ZetaChain. User acquisition in crypto is extremely difficult, especially when you're trying to attract passionate and knowledgeable crypto enthusiasts to stress-test your network or product pre-launch. On CoinList, builders can source, vet, and reward testnet participants all in one place. Learn more here. cForm: cForm is a Web3 native form builder that allows projects to quickly and easily create on-chain whitelists, sign-up forms, or surveys. Projects can use cForm to attract and validate community members by creating forms that verify on-chain wallets, social media accounts, and gather other valuable information without any engineering work. By validating respondent inputs, cForm can safeguard against bots and ensure higher-quality responses. Learn more and give it a try here.Staking Fund: CoinList has launched a first-of-its-kind family of staking funds that allow U.S. accredited investors to earn rewards through investment in a fund whose strategy is to stake digital assets including ETH, SOL, NEAR, FLOW, MINA, and CSPR. If you already hold these assets and aren’t staking them yourself, we have a solution for you. Learn more and get started here. 5. We advanced our offshore infrastructureIn 2023, CoinList dedicated its efforts to actively engaging with governments and regulators that possess a comprehensive understanding of and appreciation for the crypto ecosystem to support our mission of scaling innovation on a global basis. Adopting a holistic strategy for international expansion, CoinList augmented its workforce in key regions such as Europe, the Caribbean, and South America. Simultaneously, CoinList invested in developing localized infrastructure and enhancing public-facing products.As we transition into 2024, our commitment is to further solidify our international footprint. We aim to establish a robust presence in new markets and actively participate in the cultivation of clear, navigable regulatory frameworks. This strategic endeavor not only reflects our dedication to global expansion but also underscores our commitment to fostering a secure and user-friendly environment.Looking ahead to 2024, we have several exciting new products in the pipeline, and of course more community sales to be announced very soon.At CoinList, our mission is clear and unwavering: to empower builders at any stage in their journey, and connect them with high quality early adopters. If our mission excites you, check out our open roles here »  We wish everyone a fantastic holiday season and a happy new year.Legal NoticeThis blog post is being distributed by CoinList Global Services Ltd., dba “CoinList,” or one of its subsidiaries.  CoinList does not provide—and this post shall not be construed as—investment, legal or tax advice. This blog post and use of the CoinList website is subject to certain disclosures, restrictions and risks, available here.


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