小葱深度拆解VeChain(上) - 知乎
小葱深度拆解VeChain(上) - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册小葱深度拆解VeChain(上)小葱区块链华尔街见闻旗下区块链媒体;专注市场的追踪、投资机遇的挖掘小葱APP 7月6日讯,作者:殷耀平,转载请注明出处。唯链(VeChain)初入市场时,主打的是联盟链,为各行业提供防伪溯源解决方案。2017年下半年正式公布转型做公链项目,距今不到一年时间。6月30日,唯链已宣布正式上线“雷神”主网。为此,小葱对该团队的项目愿景、产品技术、项目进度、市场交易与运营各方面情况进行了深度拆解,以期助力各位投资者理性审视其项目实况。分析发现,唯链总体存在以下价值点与风险点。「价值点」首创以“双币制”为核心的经济模型,或打消企业应用入驻区块链平台的成本顾虑设计双币制流通体系,将区块链交易费用与代币价值波动成功剥离,实现了企业级应用的成本可预估及可控,对个人/企业在唯链生态内进行商业与金融活动大有助益。企业友好型发展模式,有望吸引更多企业参与生态共建建立完善的治理模式,便于维护生态稳定性及后续共识达成;并为企业用户提供成型解决方案及配套基础设施,降低企业用户进入门槛。具有一定的先发优势和差异化竞争优势与其他公链项目相比,首先,唯链在行业积淀上有较大的先发优势,已有成型行业解决方案及大量实例用户;其次,唯链集硬件与软件系统开发能力于一身,融合物联网、大数据与区块链技术开发出功能友好的商用型公链平台,易于为企业用户所接纳。国际社区用户基础强大,或助力其生态体系全球化扩张与稳固唯链在国际社区(尤其是欧美地区)知名度与影响力颇高,社群基础庞大,为其后续全球化发展战略做了良好铺垫。「风险点」整个生态平台内,区块链技术特性存在感不强更多的是利用区块链技术实现其通过物联网技术所采集的数据上链与分布式存储,整个生态平台在区块链的安全性、扩容性及去中心化上未提出较明显的创新性、建设性解决方案。去中心化特质牺牲较多无论是治理模型与经济模型还是行业解决方案,都是强化企业、弱化个人。生态内统一进行KYC身份验证与管理,超级权益节点的选定方式也多具中心化特质,整个生态平台成功建立后,或难逃与互联网时代的企业巨头垄断模式同样命运。C端用户的参与度或成为生态短板唯链实现的更多是B端友好型方案,C端方案还需企业自身完善。而整个生态的活跃性终究需依托海量C端用户的入局和互动,B端企业用户能否成功调动大量用户的积极性,唯链能否有实力协助其完成整个生态建设,尚未可知。未形成技术与行业壁垒,或有被传统大型企业赶超之风险一方面,其业务发展模式(数据溯源、数据共享等)涉及的区块链技术门槛相对较低,商业模式易于被复制;另一方面,既有业务与传统互联网企业(京东、阿里等)交叉性强,或有同台竞技甚至被赶超之风险。以下为详细分析报告(上)注:为提升阅读体验,本期开始,小葱对各区块链项目的深度拆解报告将分成上下篇推送。(上)篇呈现项目愿景、技术产品与项目进度分析;(下)篇呈现生态建设、交易状况与运营状况分析及总体小结。截至发稿,唯链代币VEN市场价格为:¥16.87 ,为众筹均价(¥0.5)的33.74倍。一、项目愿景:从联盟链到公有链、从做方案到做生态唯链团队自2015年就开始进行区块链的相关研究,最初布局的是联盟链,并为多个行业企业提供了商业解决方案。2017年下半年,唯链转型做公有链,成立唯链基金会,并提出致力于打造“企业大规模应用的商用区块链公链平台”的愿景,旨在构建一个可信、分布式商业生态系统平台。从联盟链到公有链,从为各企业提供相互独立的解决方案到着手建立区块链生态,唯链的技术愿景变得更加庞大。在市场上大规模商用区块链基础设施迟迟难产的背景下,该方向无疑值得深究和倾力部署。唯链CTO顾建良告知小葱,具体而言,唯链旨在解决的是实体经济中碰到的问题。他将实体经济从原材料到用户手中的过程分为四个阶段:工厂生产和供应链管理、物流、仓储门店、C端。唯链想解决的是该过程中允许多方参与,通过区块链技术提升效率,降低成本,并实现过程可信的问题。主要实现方式是通过结合物联网、大数据与区块链技术进行数据采集、存储与管理。二、产品技术:区块链技术特质存在感不强、治理模式规范、经济模型新颖唯链雷神区块链平台主要融合了物联网、大数据及区块链多种技术,以大型商用为目的进行设计,总体具有一定的标准化、模块化能力以及灵活迭代潜质。出于稳定社区治理、提升共识效率及控制企业成本的考量,唯链发展了一套较规范的治理模式,建立以双币制为核心的经济模型,并采用PoA共识机制,整体设计上具有较强的创新意义。上述设计都有助于后续社区实现快速共识、迭代升级与持续运转,但同时也使该生态丢失了很多区块链技术特性。例如PoA机制下出块节点固定局限在101个绝大部分是企业的节点手中,过多牺牲了去中心化特性;整个网络的安全性维系于各权益节点的身份和声誉“质押”上,缺乏完善的作恶防范机制;最终或许只是把现实世界中个体对企业的绝对依赖模式搬迁至区块链上。技术架构:物联网+区块链小葱对唯链白皮书中技术部分进行了深度梳理。总结获悉,唯链共有四个技术堆栈:基于物联网技术的感知层和连接层,区块链层以及应用与公共服务层。具体而言:正是上述四个模块的底层技术构筑了整个雷神区块链平台(如下小葱梳理的示意图):该平台包括区块链核心和商业应用两个抽象模块:与其他公链项目的白皮书不同的是,唯链新版白皮书中还花费了大量篇幅阐述其整个项目的治理模型与经济模型。唯链项目白皮书中提出:企业及以大型消费者应用尚未在区块链上落地的原因,最大障碍不是区块链技术,而是既有区块链平台在操作设计上的制约。经小葱梳理,主要包括三方面制约:1)缺乏有效治理模式,导致明显的效率低下和执行迭代能力差的后果。2)缺乏合适的经济模型,致使现有区块链平台上企业运行DAPP的成本不可预估、不可控。3)缺少能将区块链技术与商业用例相连接的解决方案,导致对生态参与者的技术门槛过高。以此为着力点,唯链提出了一套治理模型与经济模型,旨在解决上述问题。治理模型:稳定的治理结构唯链创建了一套治理模型(示意图如下),基本构成如下:唯链基金会作为一个非营利性实体存在,致力于开发、治理和发展唯链生态平台。指导委员会是唯链基金会的管理机构,由VET持币者选举产生。指导委员会制定关键策略,从不同专业领域选择一定席位的咨询委员会成员,并选择职能委员会主席来监督基金会的经营情况,目前已成立技术、运营、公关、管制、补偿、提名等职能委员会。此外,指导委员会负责基金会运营发展情况的年度与季度总结和披露。通证持有者(即唯链主网原生币“VET”持有者)具有表决权,他们可能是个人、企业、政府机构、非营利性实体等其他具有合法法律地位的机构,他们将参与唯链基金会重大议题(选举成立指导委员会、修改基础共识机制或技术参数等)的表决。持币者分类:VET持币者有划分多个类别,不同类别对应不同的VET持币要求及投票权重(如下表)。除“VEOK”(即不做KYC身份验证的持币者)外,其他类别的持币者不仅需要满足最低VET持币要求,还要在唯链门户网站上提交身份验证信息,完成KYC验证以获取唯链ID,然后才能申请成为相应类别的持币角色。持币者投票机制:VEOK、VEK、SO-I、SO-E、AN-I、AN-E各自在投票当局计数日期有1票投票权,但各类别持币者的综合投票权所占权重不一:所有VEOK的投票权占总投票权的20%,所有VEK的投票权占总投票权的30%。所有SO(包括SO-I和SO-E)的投票权占总投票权的20%。所有AN(包括AN-I和AN-E)的投票权占总投票权的20%。总体投票结果由上述各类节点的投票情况按权重相加所得。经济模型:双币制流通体系+基金会干预机制唯链指出大多数公链在使用中存在一个悖论:生态服务使用越多,Token价值越高,使用成本也随之升高,从而限制进一步使用,降低整体网络价值。唯链拟通过引入经济模型解决这一矛盾,实现区块链服务使用成本与VET价格波动剥离。拆解唯链经济模型前,需先澄清几个概念:双币制流通体系:如前所述,雷神区块链平台包括区块链抽象层和商业应用抽象层,唯链对此设计双币制体系。VET作为价值传递媒介(或叫智能货币),实现唯链生态系统内的快速价值循环。而VTHO代表使用唯链的底层成本(主要是智能合约执行与支付交易),且在执行某些区块链操作后会被消耗/销毁,VTHO可用于转账和交易,用户可通过购买而获取更多VTHO。供需平衡性设计:出于VTHO供需平衡性的预估与考量,唯链基金会综合计算得出的基础生成速率为0.000432/VET/天,意味着VTHO每天的供给量为37459858。根据目前的设定,转账一次约需要消耗21.6个VTHO。此外,基金会可以通过“中央调控”手段保持VTHO的供需平衡,如果VTHO市场价格过高,可采取多种方式调控:1)降低VTHO生成速率;2)将基金会生成的VTHO投往市场;3)最直接的方式:降低单次区块链操作所需VTHO的数量。经济节点计划:为维护生态系统稳定性,唯链基金会推出了经济节点(Economic Node)计划和X节点计划。这两类节点除享有默认的VTHO生成速率外,还会享有额外的加乘速率(各个档次的节点加乘速率不一)作为奖励,奖励来自基金会奖励池中的VET。但各档次的节点需满足相应的最低VET持币要求(最低档次为600K VET,这里是指1:100拆分后),并持有达到一定时长(称为“节点成熟期”)。本质上,两类节点计划都是唯链为维护生态稳定而推行的不同程度的锁仓激励。注:图为唯链公布的普通经济节点和X节点计划细则共识机制:PoA(Proof of Authority)唯链雷神区块链底层使用了PoA的共识机制。据白皮书,该机制具有三大优势:1)算力要求低;2)权威主节点间无需通讯即可达成共识;3)系统连续性不受实际可用权威主节点数量的影响。小葱对其PoA机制的实现进行了梳理:扩容方案:备选侧链目前唯链主网的TPS为50,大约10s出一个块,每天大概支撑430多万的交易量。小葱APP获悉,若后续TPS不能满足链上需求,唯链会考虑提升TPS,备用方案可能会考虑侧链。目前具体的侧链方案仍在细化中,预计今年年底会出来具体侧链解决方案。成型产品:多个行业解决方案早期做联盟链解决方案期间,唯链已在医药、白酒、汽车、奢侈品、供应链、冷藏等行业中,积累了一些探索经验,形成了四类主要成型的行业解决方案(如下图),整体而言,主要积累在于物理或电子形式数据的采集、追踪与共享上。项目进展代码进度:活跃度一般、关注度偏弱 唯链团队已于6月初将其代码提前开源,所有人皆可下载源码参与测试。Github上,目前vechain/thor的代码分支累计提交代码2316次,共9个贡献者,体量并不大;且从提交次数、贡献者及所获得的star、watch数量上看,关注度较其他公链项目而言偏弱。另小葱统计了近半年来唯链在GitHub的代码提交情况(如图),平均每周提交次数为79次,周提交次数最多的为141次。tokeninsight周期性公布的每周代码提交情况排名中,也基本未见唯链进入前10,代码活跃度处于一般水平。项目进度:主网如期上线唯链已按计划于6月30日上线雷神区块链主网,相关项目进展包括财务状况都有较完整的信息披露。小葱获悉,本次唯链主网上线,大部分基本功能已趋于完善,后续会持续优化包括几个方面:配套设施(如钱包、浏览器、企业应用等)、安全性、性能以及存储四个方面。据唯链市场总监Noah透露,性能上,初期TPS会是50,该数值是根据联盟链上目前的业务情况以及对未来短时间内商业活动的数量作出的一个决定,后续若无法满足转账及企业用户需求,经社区投票通过后开发团队会考虑提高TPS。囿于篇幅,深度拆解VeChain(上)篇仅呈现对其项目愿景、技术产品以及项目整体进度的分析内容。若想了解唯链项目生态建设、交易流通状况与运营推广状况的深度调查情况及项目整体的总结性分析,敬请留意小葱APP即将推出的深度拆解VeChain(下)篇。编辑于 2018-07-06 15:49数字货币比特币 (Bitcoin)区块链(Blockchain)赞同 31 条评论分享喜欢收藏申请
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Blockchain for Our Better World
Bolstering trust, collective action, redefined value and interconnected ecosystems.Download the vechain Whitepaper 3.0.
Bolstering trust, collective action, redefined value and interconnected ecosystems. Download the vechain Whitepaper 3.0.
Web 3
For better
Since the start, we have worked on building a transparent, efficient, scalable and adaptable blockchain platform. But these qualities were just the tip of the iceberg. Research, innovation, collaboration and a strategy aimed at long-term viability brought us to today as we seek to multiply individual impact to unleash our collective potential for sustainability.In preparation for the Web3 era in which digital and physical worlds merge to create a phygital universe, we teamed up with Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to undertake an extensive analysis of the sector. The research performed has proven pivotal as we fine-tune our approach to bringing our vision for a more sustainable, inclusive and equitable world to life. Fostering trust, collaboration, holistic value and a thriving environment where everyone can participate in creating their own sustainable ecosystems is our priority. This is our Whitepaper 3.0.Our society needs sustainability to flourish; and fortunately, the transition is near. But to gain traction, everyone must work together to combat society’s greatest threats. Technology and digital innovation are the key to our better future. We want to even out the playing field and empower everyone – individuals, businesses and institutions alike – to participate in the development of interconnected ecosystems where every single action is accounted for and its impact is multiplied to benefit all. The catalyst for participation is trust, granted by blockchain. That is in turn furthered by this safe, transparent system we are creating, called the Blockchain Biosphere for Sustainability.
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Where tech supports
VechainThor blockchain: the layer 1 for sustainability
Explore our Technology
Reshaping businessfor sustainability
Explore our Thinking
When we began, it was rare to see major business applications running on public blockchains, and enthusiasm was still low. We endeavored to change that. Right from the start we aimed to differentiate ourselves from the many speculative crypto projects. We immediately saw the opportunity for enterprises to capitalize on blockchain technology, but even beyond the digital realm. As we developed new technological solutions, we also nurtured partnerships and sustainability, organically finding a way for these diverse realms to become synergistic. But just like many other technologies, we knew our VechainThor blockchain would pass through several stages of development. Intentionally and gradually we gathered the resources necessary to bring our vision to life.Starting with Traceability, our offering was a trusted, distributed business ecosystem platform to enable transparent information flow, efficient collaboration and high-speed value transfers. After that came Enterprise Application, where we strove for greater ease of adoption and enabled established businesses to leverage blockchain technology to create value and solve real-world economic problems.In the course of development though, we grew our ambition. We believe our scope of impact can expand far beyond enterprises, to all levels of society, tackling issues far broader than mere economic problems. This led us to the Sustainability phase we are in today. Collective global action is the only means to address humanity’s greatest challenges. Blockchain has the power to transform individual actions into collective steps to incentivize cooperation and change our perception of value for the better. Along our journey, we’ve developed the tech infrastructure and the needed cross-industry partnerships to build momentum and empower everyone to join the movement, protecting our shared world and unleashing our collective potential.
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Facts & Figures
VechainThor blockchain is the preferred Layer-1 blockchain for Web3 and enterprises.Join us in leading the sustainability revolution with our low-carbon, highly scalable infrastructure.
Highly Scalable
Live Data
Active Wallet Addresses
Number of Clauses to Date
Number of Transactions to Date
Number of Clauses in the Past 24 hrs
Live Data
Low Carbon
Scalability is intrinsically designed into the platform.In order to promote scalability and facilitate complex transactions, the VechainThor blockchain allows a single transaction to carry out multiple tasks, or “Clauses”, as we call them.Clauses provide a much more in-depth view of the tasks processed by VechainThor blockchain, beyond the transaction volume.
$ 0.0015
Cost per Transaction min 0.21 VTHO
Average kWh per Transaction
100% online,zero outage
Since 2018
Did you
The 2022 carbon footprint of Vechain’s core network of 101 authorities’ nodes was calculated to be 4.46 t CO2e/year. That is equivalent to almost one gasoline-powered passenger vehicle driven for one year.
Vechain's energy consumption compared to other blockchains
Powering VechainThor blockchain for an entire year is equivalent to driving a gasoline powered passenger vehicle for one year
Speed and security but made sustainable and scalable, for a digital sustainability revolution.
Vechain and its affiliates have developed solid cross-industry partnerships that will facilitate ecosystem adoption and collaboration.
Blockchain Biosphere for
A system of independent, sustainability-driven communities – called ecosystems – interconnected through a common tech infrastructure. The Biosphere facilitates transparency, efficiency and intelligent resource allocation.
Connecting technologies: Internet of Things; Tagging, Hardware; VR..
Layer 1 blockchain – The base infrastructure of blockchain.
The diversity of the ecosystems we present reflects the wide-ranging applications of vechain’s blockchain solution as a catalyst for change. And new applications can be developed quickly to tackle a diverse set of problems across industries.
Ecosystem – an independent network enabling a set of partners to actively cooperate by pursuing a common objective and generating common value within the Blockchain Biosphere for Sustainability. An ecosystem responds to the specific needs of one, or more, use cases
Starting with Traceability, our offering was a trusted, distributed business ecosystem platform to enable transparent information flow, efficient collaboration and high-speed value transfers. After that came Enterprise Application, where we strove for greater ease of adoption and enabled established businesses to leverage blockchain technology to create value and solve real-world economic problems.In the course of development though, we grew our ambition. We believe our scope of impact can expand far beyond enterprises, to all levels of society, tackling issues far broader than mere economic problems. This led us to the Sustainability phase we are in today. Collective global action is the only means to address humanity’s greatest challenges. Blockchain has the power to transform individual actions into collective steps to incentivize cooperation and change our perception of value for the better. Along our journey, we’ve developed the tech infrastructure and the needed cross-industry partnerships to build momentum and empower everyone to join the movement, protecting our shared world and unleashing our collective potential.
Blockchain For our
Better World
We want a sustainable, inclusive and equitable world, where everyone plays their part in making this vision a reality. To get there, transparency and trust are fundamental. Technology is the key to fostering trust between individuals, organizations and governments, and substantiating the promises of all in a public and secure way.In this new paradigm, actions and their impacts are quantified and validated, with each individual person or institution gaining ownership of their personal data and control of its use. Here there are secure, trustworthy, and transparent transfers, information and value. In short, actions speak for words. This is Web3, where all are owners and co-creators, no longer mere users.
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The scalability of a blockchain is directly linked to its governance model. Our adaptable and efficient platform is made possible by our governance structure that models this behavior and is being continuously fine-tuned. We are implementing principles derived from unconventional models – such as DAOs – successfully utilized in other fields to progressively decentralize the VechainThor blockchain platform and render ecosystems more efficient. As one of the most open and transparent public blockchains, another of our differentiating qualities is our commitment to regular reporting and compliance. Just like the transition to a more sustainable world is a journey, so is the improvement of our governance model. Our goal: to enable rapid innovation and development, while meeting the needs of users, the community, fast-growing enterprises, and serving sustainability.
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The steering
Transitioning towards sustainable governance is imperative to our mission and oversight is provided by the Steering Committee, which is elected publicly by nodeholders. The governing body of vechain, our Steering Committee, oversees various functional committees and represents the balanced interests of all VechainThor blockchain stakeholders.
Through the election process, we strive to promote member diversity, and thus to benefit from their diverse perspectives. The Steering Committee constitutes a first step toward decentralization. As we progress, so will the decision-making process, becoming ever more distributed among Biosphere participants.
Luca Crisciotti
A senior executive with decades of business leadership experience in the Testing, Inspection, and Certification Industry. His experience includes hands-on involvement in global marketing and sales, global operations, supply chain management, ESG, sustainability and exponential technologies. He is most passionate about leveraging digital technologies to encourage, enable and empower more sustainable behaviors.
Qi Ge
Over ten years of expertise in material chemistry and nanotechnologies. His research focuses on energy and environmental issues by developing novel solutions using advanced functional intelligent materials. A forerunner in merging smart materials and the Web 3.0 idea to promote sustainable development. He utilizes smart materials to automate waste management procedures and reduce the carbon footprint of waste disposal.
Renato Grottola
A senior executive with expertise in business assurance and digital transformation. Throughout his leadership roles, most recently as former Senior Vice President and Global Director of Growth and Innovation at DNV, Renato spearheaded the implementation of blockchain technology for digital assurance. He serves the Scientific Committee of San Marino Innovation and the Blockchain Panel of experts for the Italian Government.
Sunny Lu
One of the pioneers who started exploring blockchain business applications. He launched the vechain project in 2015. Prior to vechain, Sunny was an IT Executive in Fortune 500 companies for nearly 20 years and was the former CIO of Louis Vuitton China. He has accumulated extensive experience in information systems technology strategy and management, enterprise digital revolution and digital innovation.
Antonio Senatore
Vechain’s Chief Technology officer. Antonio brings technical expertise around Blockchain, Big Data, Analytics, Cloud and Innovation. He previously served as the Head of Technology for SDGs initiatives at vechain where he worked to enable the technical infrastructure for the SDGs ecosystem. Prior to vechain, he was Deloitte Global Blockchain CTO & Head of the Deloitte EMEA Blockchain Lab.
Economic Model
The sustainable two-token economic model (VET and VTHO) behind vechain has been designed to develop a non-volatile trading environment, different from most single-token economic models, where the vechain governance mechanism also serves to stabilize token costs.This model is unique and significant in helping separate the cost of using blockchain from market speculation: incentive and utility are distinct concepts, facilitating upgrades and greater functionalities.
What’s more, the differentiation between VET – our utility token – and VTHO – the token used for incentive and payment – also permits straightforward costs, which takes out the guesswork.This mechanism facilitates enterprise adoption and generates user acceptance. Maintaining a balance between the two tokens is important, and we are working to calibrate their functionalities in the better interest of all users.
Task Force
As we endeavor to address such a broad range of societal and industry needs, we’ve developed specific task forces to allocate resources where they are needed most, and in turn capacitate expedited growth. By focusing our efforts and leveraging resources scattered around the globe, we are building momentum through a common passion in carrying out our mission for a better world.Our main task forces are dedicated to Technical, Business Development and Governance. They provide specific expertise, yet they all work closely together to benefit both their individual areas and as a whole. Our efforts are always catapulted thanks to our ever-growing community’s contribution.
Greater security and privacy
Greater transparency and accountability
Web3 provides a basis for trust and collaboration among individual people, businesses and institutions. Sustainability commitments are upheld, claims are substantiated and user data is utilized as promised. The public, secure infrastructure means everyone is held accountable, but also recognized for their hard work and engaged to pursue similar passions and achieve common goals. We are all in it together for a better, more sustainable world.
Value redefined
Traditional forms of assessment and value fail to take environmental and societal factors into account. It’s time to redefine value to include these in addition to economic measurement. Value consequentially becomes comprehensive and absolute, a true representation of our societal wellbeing.By leveraging Web3 and our vechain framework, we not only account for this complete definition of value, but also validate contributors’ actions toward our common goal.
The future is closer than it seems
Blockchain is ushering in a new era, where people can unite around a common goal and combine their impact. Vechain is a bridge in connecting the physical and digital worlds.Data from the real world is applied in the digital world, enabling people to actively participate in shaping more sustainable value chains and to generate new ways of collaborating. Single actions, both big and small, are recognized, rewarded and fundamental in creating a healthier and fairer world for all.
To tackle sustainability challenges and cultivate trust, we have to break down barriers, nurture collaboration and promote joint efforts. Technology like Blockchain facilitates the creation of resilient and interconnected digital ecosystems, where every individual effort is multiplied to generate impactful change.To fuel these changes, we need a fast, secure and decentralized tech infrastructure. This is where we at vechain step in, to provide the framework necessary in evening out the playing field and empowering everyone to become a valid contributor to our global mission.
Web3 provides a basis for trust and collaboration among individual people, businesses and institutions. Sustainability commitments are upheld, claims are substantiated and user data is utilized as promised. The public, secure infrastructure means everyone is held accountable, but also recognized for their hard work and engaged to pursue similar passions and achieve common goals. We are all in it together for a better, more sustainable world.
Traditional forms of assessment and value fail to take environmental and societal factors into account. It’s time to redefine value to include these in addition to economic measurement. Value consequentially becomes comprehensive and absolute, a true representation of our societal wellbeing.By leveraging Web3 and our vechain framework, we not only account for this complete definition of value, but also validate contributors’ actions toward our common goal.
Blockchain is ushering in a new era, where people can unite around a common goal and combine their impact. Vechain is a bridge in connecting the physical and digital worlds. Data from the real world is applied in the digital world, enabling people to actively participate in shaping more sustainable value chains and to generate new ways of collaborating. Single actions, both big and small, are recognized, rewarded and fundamental in creating a healthier and fairer world for all.
You know there’s more.You know there’s a world out there, where you can change our future’s trajectory.At VeChain, we know it too.As enablers of Web 3, we’re helping everyone engage in sustainability every day.By redefining value based on your values, the power is in your hands,And your belief in better will have immediate benefits.Instead of just imagining a sustainable, inclusive, equitable world,You can play an active role in bringing it to life.But you won’t be acting alone.Empowered by blockchain platforms,We’re digitalizing collaboration in ways once impossible.Alongside communities and companies,Global leaders and every person around the world,Together we’ll make food systems safer and fairer.We’ll improve access to lifesaving medicines.We’ll drive the auto industry forward with clean solutions,Give our clothes a second life,Accelerate diversity and elevate inclusion,To shape a greener, bolder, better world that can sustain us all.And this is just the beginning.We’re building resilient, interconnected ecosystems,Where everyone will be co-creators of societal-shaping solutions.By transforming the way we work and live, we’ll transform generations beyond us.We will multiply individual impact to influence entire industries.In networks where sustainable decisions add up,More is finally within reach.
VechainThor is built to scale. Its powerful features allow developers to build advanced dApps without worrying about variable gas prices or network congestion. We’re significantly lowering barriers to entry with a network built for sustainability – economically, environmentally and architecturally.
Anyone can use dApps built on VechainThor.‘Fee Delegation’, a feature unique to VechainThor, removes the need for users to own and spend crypto. Build decentralized applications for the entire world and embrace a vast, untapped ocean of opportunity.How do gas fees stay predictable on VechainThor? Thanks to our dual-token economic model (VET and VTHO) with an infrastructure that guarantees high scalability and throughput. The first public blockchain to launch with a Proof of Authority(PoA) consensus mechanism. Transactions on VechainThor are validated by 101 whitelisted Authority Masternodes, distributed globally. The recently upgraded Proof of Authority 2.0 guarantees finality on blocks and transactions and enhances security even further.
VechainThor is designed for rapid innovation, boasting an on-chain governance model where node holders can vote on vechain improvement proposals quickly and efficiently, eliminating contentious hard-forks and streamlining network upgrades.
To streamline processes in a public and secure way. Web3 technology powered by blockchain stimulates and facilitates collective action through our Blockchain Biosphere for Sustainability. Our low-carbon tech infrastructure empowers all to take action and reap benefits in the development of thriving, interconnected ecosystems.
Our Blockchain Biosphere for Sustainability creates a virtuous cycle of impact that benefits the platform, its users and stakeholders. As a consequence, healthy, sustainable approaches to business are driven forward, where there is power in numbers.The road to sustainability is long, but we have an unprecedented opportunity to act on these pressing societal and environmental challenges, while creating additional value for all. Powered by our ever-changing infrastructure and interconnected digital communities, networks of impact will be unleashed.
VechainThor blockchain: the layer 1 for sustainability
If it’s powered by VechainThor blockchain, then:
Get ready to join the network driving the sustainability revolution with advanced blockchain technologies and an eco-friendly, low-carbon platform.
Enter a world that empowers developers in building complex dApps by removing the need for end-users to own or spend crypto assets. We’re making real-world adoption as seamless as searching for a webpage.
Anyone can use Apps Built on VechainThor Blockchain
Sustainability actionis imperative
For our planet, our society and our businesses. We’ve pushed our system to a breaking point, and we must act for our wellbeing. Our current take-make-waste system must inevitably evolve.Increasing planetary and regulatory pressure require change that may only be answered through the collective effort of all. We propose ecosystems that support and facilitate the sustainable transition across industries toward circularity, carbon reduction and more.To streamline processes in a public and secure way. Web3 technology powered by blockchain stimulates and facilitates collective action through our Blockchain Biosphere for Sustainability. Our low-carbon tech infrastructure empowers all to take action and reap benefits in the development of thriving, interconnected ecosystems.Our Blockchain Biosphere for Sustainability creates a virtuous cycle of impact that benefits the platform, its users and stakeholders. As a consequence, healthy, sustainable approaches to business are driven forward, where there is power in numbers.The road to sustainability is long, but we have an unprecedented opportunity to act on these pressing societal and environmental challenges, while creating additional value for all. Powered by our ever-changing infrastructure and interconnected digital communities, networks of impact will be unleashed.
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Reshaping Business
For sustainability
Sustainability actionis imperative
Since the start, we have worked on building a transparent, efficient, scalable and adaptable blockchain platform. But these qualities were just the tip of the iceberg. Research, innovation, collaboration and a strategy aimed at long-term viability brought us to today as we seek to multiply individual impact to unleash our collective potential for sustainability.In preparation for the Web3 era in which digital and physical worlds merge to create a phygital universe…
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All Rights Reserved. © 2024 Vechain Foundation San Marino S.r.l.The V, VECHAIN, VECHAINTHOR, VTHO, and VET trademarks are owned or licensed by Vechain Foundation San Marino S.r.l
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作为全球领先的企业友好型区块链公链平台,唯链自主设计开发的雷神公有链平台(VeChainThor Blockchain)具备完善的经济模型和强健的治理架构,确保区块链技术在合理落地的同时为企业以及个人提供简捷且安全可靠的区块链全套解决方案。
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About the vechain blockchain | VECHAIN Docs
t the vechain blockchain | VECHAIN DocsVECHAIN DocsAsk or SearchCtrl + KWelcome to vechain - blockchain for our better worldBlockchain: A crash courseIntroduction to blockchainIntroduction to digital propertyThe evolution of the internetIntroduction to vechainAbout the vechain blockchainConsensus Deep DiveGovernanceDual-Token Economic ModelVechain (VET)VeThor (VTHO)Acquire Vechain AssetsSustainabilityCore ConceptsNetworksThor Solo NodeTestnetMainnetNodesNode Rewards ProgrammeBlocksBlock ModelTransactionsTransaction ModelTransaction FeesTransaction CalculationMeta Transaction FeaturesTransaction UniquenessControllable Transaction LifecycleClauses (Multi-Task Transaction)Fee DelegationMulti-Party Payment (MPP)Designated Gas Payer (VIP-191)Transaction DependencyBlock ExplorersWalletsSyncUser GuideWalletLedger DeviceBrowser dApps and webInteract with dAppsActivitiesSettingsReport an IssueContributingFAQSync2User GuideSetupWalletSigningActivitiesSettingsFAQVeWorldUser GuideFAQEVM CompatibilityVechain ModificationsMethodologyTest CoverageGas modelRaw transactionHarhat specificGanache failuresevm_increaseTimeFailures in constructoreth_signContract address predictionBadBeacon proxy address at 0x1How to RecreateAdditional InformationUsing Governance ContractsERC1820/ERC777 TestnetDelegate OptionsAccount AbstractionUserOperationBundlerEntryPoint ContractAccount Factory ContractPaymaster ContractToken Bound AccountsStart BuildingTutorialsHow to run a Thor Solo NodeCustom NetworkHow to connect the Sync2 wallet to a Thor Solo NodeUseful tips for building a dApp by using ConnexVIP-191: Designated Gas PayerHow to Integrate VIP-191 (I)How to Integrate VIP-191 (II)How to Integrate VIP-191 (III)Account AbstractionDeveloper ResourcesGetting StartedNodesSDKs & ProvidersSDKArchitectureAccountsBloom FilterCertificatesContractsCryptographyDebugEncodingPollsSubscriptionsThor ClientTransactionsThor DevKitInstallationUsageCryptographyAccountsEncodingTransactionsCertificatesBloom FilterdApp Kitv0InstallationUsageReactInstallationUsageVanilla (UI)InstallationUsageStyles (UI)i18nv1V0 to V1InstallationUsageReactInstallationUsageVanilla JSInstallationUsageOther frameworksTheme Variablesi18nDevPalWeb3-Providers-ConnexInstallationUsageConnexInstallationAPI SpecificationFrameworks & IDEsHardhat & VechainHardhat Sample Project (Ethers)Hardhat Sample Project (Web3)Vechain & RemixVechain & RemixBuilt-in ContractsVORJUseful LinksHow to contributePowered by GitBookAbout the vechain blockchainA closer look at the blockchain which powers the vechain ecosystem.What is VechainThor?VechainThor is the layer 1 blockchain which powers the vechain ecosystem. VechainThor is a public blockchain that is designed for mass adoption of blockchain technology by enterprise users of all sizes and is intended to serve as a foundation for a sustainable and scalable enterprise blockchain ecosystem.Since it went live, the time when the genesis block was mined, in June 2018, the blockchain has been 100% online with zero downtime. VechainThor is an extremely fast and efficient blockchain, producing blocks, on average, every 10 seconds and all the while only consuming a fraction of the energy other blockchains require to complete the same task. In fact, vechain’s energy consumption is equal to just 0.04% of other blockchains.The VechainThor blockchain is not built from scratch. It expands upon some of the essential building blocks of the Ethereum blockchain and provides innovative technical solutions that are powered by our novel governance and economic models, which, we believe, will push forward broader blockchain adoption and the creation of new business ecosystems with more efficiency and trust. VechainThor is packed with technical features that are tailor made to meet the needs of individuals and enterprises.How does VechainThor achieve consensus?Consensus is the process by which a blockchain network agrees on the validity of a transaction or block. In a blockchain network, transactions are grouped together in blocks, and these blocks are linked together in a blockchain. Consensus is needed to ensure that all participants in the network agree on the current state of the blockchain. Consensus occurs each time a new block gets appended to the blockchain.VechainThor's Proof of Authority (PoA) consensus algorithm is powered by 101 Authority Masternodes who are tasked with producing blocks for the vechain blockchain. In order to become an Authority Masternode, an individual or entity has to voluntarily disclose their identity to the foundation and undergo a strict know-your-customer (KYC) process, before being selected. Only a block produced by an Authorithy Masternode will be viewed as a valid block by the VechainThor blockchain.Why does VechainThor use PoA?There is a well known trade off in consensus algorithms which Vitalik Buterin, founder of the Ethereum blockchain, coined the "The Blockchain Trilemma". In essence, Buterin asserted peer-to-peer (P2P) decentralised networks cannot score highly on decentralisation, security and speed. Every blockchain network will be required to sacrifice one attribute to achieve the desired blockchain configuration. Vechain's aim is to be an enterprise grade, sustainable blockchain, and so the tradeoff was to reduce the amount of actors involved in block production in order to improve speed and security.However, as all Authority Masternodes have their identities and reputations at stake, they are all held accountable and are incentivised to work in the best interest for the networks growth and security. Authorithy Masternode's also earn rewards for producing blocks, which further incentivises them to act in good faith and to the benefit of the VechainThor blockchain.PreviousIntroduction to vechainNextConsensus Deep DiveLast updated 6 months agoOn this pageWhat is VechainThor?How does VechainThor achieve consensus?Why does VechainThor use PoA?Was this helpfVechain | Whitepapers
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B3TR empowers our collective potential to make the world more sustainable
VeBetterDAO is designed to become the de facto platform of Web3 sustainability X-2-Earn dApps. By leveraging strategic enterprise partners and Web3 builders, the goal is to launch a multitude ofdApps that engage, incentivize, and reward participation, placing the power for change in the hands of people.Boston Consulting Group – VeChain’s key strategic partner – is opening doors to enterprises and projects with a shared vision of this Web3 future. VeBetterDAO combined with VeChain’senterprise-grade technology form the foundation of a game-changing ecosystem, supported by a best-in-class grants program, advanced tools, and BCG mentorship/VC opportunities.The VeBetterDAO, powered by VeChain, is blockchain’s breakthrough moment.
Web 3 For Better
Bolstering trust, collective action, redefined value and interconnected ecosystems. The vechain Whitepaper 3.0 was released in March 2023.Since the start, we have worked on building a transparent, efficient, scalable and adaptable blockchain platform. But these qualities were just the tip of the iceberg. Research, innovation, collaboration and a strategy aimed at long-term viability brought us to today as we seek to multiply individual impact to unleash our collective potential for sustainability.In preparation for the Web3 era in which digital and physical worlds merge to create a phygital universe, we teamed up with Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to undertake an extensive analysis of the sector.The research performed has proven pivotal as we fine-tune our approach to bringing our vision for a more sustainable, inclusive and equitable world to life. Fostering trust, collaboration, holistic value and a thriving environment where everyone can participate in creating their own sustainable ecosystems is our priority. This is our Whitepaper 3.0.Our society needs sustainability to flourish; and fortunately, the transition is near. But to gain traction, everyone must work together to combat society’s greatest threats. Technology and digital innovation are the key to our better future. We want to even out the playing field and empower everyone – individuals, businesses and institutions alike – to participate in the development of interconnected ecosystems where every single action is accounted for and its impact is multiplied to benefit all. The catalyst for participation is trust, granted by blockchain. That is in turn furthered by this safe, transparent system we are creating, called the Blockchain Biosphere for Sustainability.
Creating value and solving real-world economic problems
We published Whitepaper 2.0 in December 2019. In that whitepaper, we expanded upon our commitment to enable mass blockchain adoption by established businesses, with the long-term goal of creating value and solving real-world economic problems. With this in mind, we pinpointed the three major phases of blockchain evolution which would form the foundation of our strategy to become the world’s first choice for blockchain: Technical ConsensusBusiness ConsensusGovernance consensus
Creating the fundamentals for adoption of blockchain tech
We released Whitepaper 1.0 in June 2017 to present this vision and our aspiration to become the platform of choice for blockchain-based business applications offering concrete economic, environmental, and societal value. As is the case with many technologies, we understood VechainThor blockchain would go through several sequential stages of development: Overcoming technical barriers Removing business obstacles to drive enterprise adoption Reaching scale Subdividing into new breakthroughs in specific fields Starting a new technology cycle In Whitepaper 1.0, we argued we had entered the early phase of the second stage. Our VechainThor blockchain incorporated all the basic requirements for enterprise adoption of blockchain technology, including: A proper governance model with the transparency and operational efficiency necessary to enable continual and rapid innovation A sustainable economic model (two token model: VET and VTHO) designed to prevent transaction fees from being directly exposed to the volatility that afflicts most single-token economic models A flexible blockchain developed to comply with changing regulation and to be easily integrated with a variety of complementary technologies.
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Introduction to vechain | VECHAIN Docs
oduction to vechain | VECHAIN DocsVECHAIN DocsAsk or SearchCtrl + KWelcome to vechain - blockchain for our better worldBlockchain: A crash courseIntroduction to blockchainIntroduction to digital propertyThe evolution of the internetIntroduction to vechainAbout the vechain blockchainConsensus Deep DiveGovernanceDual-Token Economic ModelVechain (VET)VeThor (VTHO)Acquire Vechain AssetsSustainabilityCore ConceptsNetworksThor Solo NodeTestnetMainnetNodesNode Rewards ProgrammeBlocksBlock ModelTransactionsTransaction ModelTransaction FeesTransaction CalculationMeta Transaction FeaturesTransaction UniquenessControllable Transaction LifecycleClauses (Multi-Task Transaction)Fee DelegationMulti-Party Payment (MPP)Designated Gas Payer (VIP-191)Transaction DependencyBlock ExplorersWalletsSyncUser GuideWalletLedger DeviceBrowser dApps and webInteract with dAppsActivitiesSettingsReport an IssueContributingFAQSync2User GuideSetupWalletSigningActivitiesSettingsFAQVeWorldUser GuideFAQEVM CompatibilityVechain ModificationsMethodologyTest CoverageGas modelRaw transactionHarhat specificGanache failuresevm_increaseTimeFailures in constructoreth_signContract address predictionBadBeacon proxy address at 0x1How to RecreateAdditional InformationUsing Governance ContractsERC1820/ERC777 TestnetDelegate OptionsAccount AbstractionUserOperationBundlerEntryPoint ContractAccount Factory ContractPaymaster ContractToken Bound AccountsStart BuildingTutorialsHow to run a Thor Solo NodeCustom NetworkHow to connect the Sync2 wallet to a Thor Solo NodeUseful tips for building a dApp by using ConnexVIP-191: Designated Gas PayerHow to Integrate VIP-191 (I)How to Integrate VIP-191 (II)How to Integrate VIP-191 (III)Account AbstractionDeveloper ResourcesGetting StartedNodesSDKs & ProvidersSDKArchitectureAccountsBloom FilterCertificatesContractsCryptographyDebugEncodingPollsSubscriptionsThor ClientTransactionsThor DevKitInstallationUsageCryptographyAccountsEncodingTransactionsCertificatesBloom FilterdApp Kitv0InstallationUsageReactInstallationUsageVanilla (UI)InstallationUsageStyles (UI)i18nv1V0 to V1InstallationUsageReactInstallationUsageVanilla JSInstallationUsageOther frameworksTheme Variablesi18nDevPalWeb3-Providers-ConnexInstallationUsageConnexInstallationAPI SpecificationFrameworks & IDEsHardhat & VechainHardhat Sample Project (Ethers)Hardhat Sample Project (Web3)Vechain & RemixVechain & RemixBuilt-in ContractsVORJUseful LinksHow to contributePowered by GitBookIntroduction to vechainA first introduction to vechain and the VechainThor blockchain.What is vechain?Vechain, headquartered in San Marino, Europe, is a blockchain ecosystem and the curator of VechainThor, a world leading smart contract platform spearheading the real world adoption of blockchain technology. Since its inception in 2015 by founder Sunny Lu, vechain has always strived to deliver a transparent, efficient, scalable and adaptable blockchain platform.This endeavour wasn't in vein, as vechain has cemented its position among the world's leading blockchain ecosystems and has partnered with many prestigious organizations and agencies, such as Walmart China, BMW, DNV, and the government of San Marino but to name a few. Vechain now turns it's attention to the greatest challenge of all — building digital ecosystems to drive sustainability and digital transformation at global scale.Why vechain?The VechainThor blockchain is built for mass adoption:Built for scale: The VechainThor blockchain transaction model is built to scale with asynchronous transactions, scaling through clauses and transaction life cycle dependencies.Predictable transaction fees: Through it's unique dual token model vechain ensures that transaction fees remain stable during periods of high demand.A sustainable consensus mechanism: Vechain has created and continues to improve it's proof of authority (PoA) consensus mechanism which offers settlement assurances, security and scalability while having a low carbon footprint, especially when compared to other blockchains.Fee delegation: Allows for the abstraction of transaction fees from the user to a sponsor account. This feature can be used to eliminate the requirement of a user having to hold any cryptocurrency asset yet still be able to interact on the blockchain.Secure: There has been zero reported hacks of the PoA consensus mechanism.Robust: Since mining it's genesis block in 2018 the VechainThor blockchain has had zero downtime.Compatible: The VechainThor blockchain is compatible with other leading blockchains.Who controls vechain?Like any truly decentralised network, vechain is not controlled by any one person or collection of individuals. Rather, it is an open, public network which encourages community members to support and promote in any way they can. Like any ship however, it does need to be steered in a direction which benefits the ecosystem and thats where the steering committee and Vechain Foundation support.About VechainDual-Token ModelAcquire Vechain AssetsSustainabilityLast updated 6 months agoWas this helpf-1.7%����
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